

近年来,随着中国共产党的全面从严治党,党支部的工作也面临着新的机遇和挑战。为了更好地发挥党支部的作用, recent规定 have been made on the conditions for membership of党支部委员会.


1. 具有相应的政治素质。党支部委员会成员应当具有坚定的理想信念和党性觉悟,能够正确执行党的路线方针政策,维护党的团结统一。

2. 具有相应的业务素质。党支部委员会成员应当熟悉党的路线方针政策和 local 政策,具有扎实的业务知识和分析解决问题的能力,能够在工作中发挥专长。

3. 具有相应的工作能力。党支部委员会成员应当具备一定的组织协调能力和沟通能力,能够协助党支部完成各项工作任务。

4. 具有相应的服务意识。党支部委员会成员应当具备良好的服务意识,能够为人民群众服务,维护人民群众的合法权益。

5. 具有相应的廉洁自律能力。党支部委员会成员应当具备良好的廉洁自律意识,严格遵守党的纪律和规矩,不越雷池一步。


In recent years, with the全面从严治党 of the中国共产党, the membership of党支部委员会 has also faced new opportunities and challenges. In order to better发挥党支部的作用, recent regulations have been made on the conditions for membership of党支部委员会.


1. The membership of党支部委员会 should meet the requirements of political and ideological integrity. The members of the党支部委员会 should have strong political beliefs and political consciousness, and be able to correctly carry out the policies and decisions of the Party and the local government.

2. The membership of党支部委员会 should meet the requirements of business knowledge and analysis problem solving ability. The members of the党支部委员会 should have a good understanding of the policy and decision of the Party and the local government, and have solid business knowledge and problem-solving ability.

3. The membership of党支部委员会 should meet the requirements of organizational and communication ability. The members of the党支部委员会 should be able to cooperate with the党支部 to carry out the work, and have good communication and organizational ability.

4. The membership of党支部委员会 should meet the requirements of public service and integrity. The members of the党支部委员会 should have good public service consciousness and integrity, and not violate the rules and regulations of the Party or the local government.

5. The membership of党支部委员会 should meet the requirements of廉洁自律 ability. The members of the党支部委员会 should have good廉洁自律 consciousness and be able to遵守 the rules and regulations of the Party and the local government, and not violate them.


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